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DSI -> Legal

30 Day Service Warranty

Last Edited: September 1, 2015

Service Warranty

All paid flat-rate labor services performed 'inhouse' otherwise known as services provided at one of our locations; or services performed remotely; or services performed at client/customer location are covered for 30 days from the time of original service completion. This warranty of service is specific to the exacting service which was performed as requested by the customer and thus is limited very specifically to the service details as provided by the customer at time of service request. This warranty does not cover service which is determined solely by DSI to be outside of the original request for service and/or the service resolution.

Claims for warranty must be accompanied by equipment relative to the service originally provided. DSI reserves the right to deny a claim in its sole discretion if after investigation it is determined by DSI or DSI's contracted affiliates that claim does not exactly match problems originally determined by DSI or DSI's contracted affiliates or if original service has been altered by any entity other than DSI or DSI's contracted affiliates in any way. Denied claims will be billed the current diagnostic service rate if applicable at DSI's sole discretion.

Claims that are granted will be honored only by official DSI employees or contracted affiliates. Service will be performed at no cost to the customer for labor only.