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DSI -> Legal

Price Evaluation Agreement

Last Edited: August 6, 2015

DSI purchases or offers a trade value applied to customer's DSI account for equipment on a case by case basis. Customer hereby agrees that the equipment being evaluated fully and solely belongs to the customer without burden or lien or any other 3rd party interest such as pending legal action in any manner. Furthermore, customer states said equipment has been acquired by them in a lawful manner in which ownership does not violate any federal, state, or local laws.

Customer will fully state prior to evaluation desired compensation and compensation method. Customer will provide prior to evaluation a form of legal active identification issued by a governing body such as the federal or state authorities and allow DSI to make a photocopy of the identification. DSI will be allotted standard policy service time to evaluate and test equipment for consideration unless otherwise agreed upon. Customer further agrees that if after an evaluation is made and DSI agrees to prior disclosed requested compensation amount DSI may immediately take ownership of said equipment. If prior disclosed requested compensation is rejected by DSI then a counteroffer will be made and agreed upon prior to DSI taking ownership of said equipment.

Customer agrees to allow DSI to fully test, evaluate, and perform diagnostic testing as defined in the DSI service agreement. Additionally, customer agrees to allow DSI to cross check the equipment in question against databases and other law enforcement platforms and entities to determine whether said equipment has been reported stolen or is linked to any unlawful situation or legal case. Customer further understands as stated in the DSI service agreement that DSI will fully cooperate with any and all law enforcement having jurisdiction be it federal, state, or local law enforcement.

DSI agrees to disclose to customer general information regarding the equipment evaluation, but is in no way obligated to give full disclosure of findings. If at any time an agreement or compensation method is accepted by DSI and customer and DSI takes ownership of said equipment, Customer understands DSI will harbor electronic data as a courtesy, where applicable, and at DSI's sole discretion, for 14 days (or a duration determined by a governing body where required by law) from the date of ownership change. Customer may have data retrieved if necessary during this time as a separate DSI service if allow by law and at DSI's sole discretion. 

Customer fully understands that any offer made is done so with the intent of wholesale acquisition and that customer would likely receive a better offer selling said equipment privately or to a private entity as a private consumer sale via other channels. It is also understood by the customer that after DSI is granted ownership, said equipment may be resold or parted out and that data residing on said equipment will be wiped or destroyed. Customer understands that although efforts are made to clear and remove personal data by DSI, DSI cannot and will not be held liable or responsible for any data or information that is later recovered, obtained or intruded upon. Customer is aware that complete data destruction can be requested by the customer and such request will be honored and affect the offer. 

Customer fully admits that this agreement is an addendum to the standard service agreement and that all conditions of the service agreement apply and will be honored and upheld.