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DSI -> 4business -> Services (Have us do it)


Our goal is simple. Offer you everything we can in terms of technology support. 

We want to build a lasting relationship with you. We want to be thought of not just as a service provider but also a partner. To be there in your times of need and relish the victory when you hit a home run. We are your confidant, your informant, your ambassador to all things tech.

The DSI team comes with expert knowledge and industry experience that is rarely matched. We have been there, we have done that. Not only do we know what works, we know why it works and maybe more importantly, we know what doesn't work.

DOD level secured wireless network for a hospital, yeah we've done that. Setup multipoint VPN's that span an entire country, we've done it. Debugged and recode software to prevent lost revenue, sure did. Complete 150 network cable runs for a medical building upgrade project, over 3 days time, yep, we did that, too. Create custom software for flight data safety reporting, we've done it. Emergency server recovery during an overnight, we've done it several times. Create HIPAA compliant data software for a pediatrics unit, yes we did. Teach an elderly lady how to effectively use a computer, we do that often. Recover data from a RAID 5 array with 2 failed drives running Novell for a government entity, yes, we did that. 

The point is, the list of our notable achievements is vast and our experience deep. Let us share what we know with you when you need to know. You can call on us for advice and information anytime for any reason.