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Hosting Service

DSI offers hosting solutions for nearly any purpose.

Our hosting is presented in 3 different ways. Shared, Virtual, and Dedicated.

Shared: Shared hosting is a server that is occupied by multiple clients, similar to housing with roommates. Resources are shared and control is limited. This is the typical offering for small and basic website hosting needs. It is what facilitates most small websites and in many cases is adequate.

Virtual (VPS): A step up from shared would be virtual hosting. Virtual hosting gives you more control. A good analogy of virtual hosting would be an apartment building. The building as a whole is shared but the resources are distributed to and controlled by individuals. With a virtual server you have full remote access and the server can be setup to run and serve a number of different solutions on a couple different platforms, anything from an Exchange server on a Windows platform to a SQL database driven by Linux.

A key benefit to a virtual server is the ability to increase performance immediately. An overhead of resources are reserved for just such a purpose. More space, faster processing, and larger memory capacity can be allocated within minutes. The virtual machine is shared by others, but the resources allocated to your environment are exclusively yours.

Dedicated: The final step up is a dedicated server. As the name suggests, this is an entire machine dedicated for your use. Nothing physical about it is shared. Going back to our analogy, this would be like leasing a single family home. You choose the size and what goes in it. We simply put it all together and host it on our property so to speak. The decisions regarding the server are yours to make.

These platforms are what make up 'the cloud' or are considered 'cloud based'. With these options we can host an array of software or services you need including software as a service (SaaS) or even session initiated protocol (SIP). 

Our servers exclusively feature industry leading Intel Xenon and 'i' series processors. We offer solid state storage as well as SAS and serial. These can be set as RAID or any way you would like them. Our servers are housed locally with HVAC and redundant power systems.

Pricing varies depending on the type of hosting and server configuration you need. Contact us today for an always free initial consultation. We can help you decide on which options are best for you and answer any questions you have.


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