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DSI -> @home -> Services (Have us do it)

Operating System Repair

Operating system corruption happens. Often times this is caused by driver installation, updates, or viral activity. Sometimes it requires a full reinstall to remedy. However, sometimes the OS can simply be repaired. DSI has saved its customers a lot of money by successfully administering an OS Repair vs a full reinstall. We are talking about a half price resolution! Now that is substantial.

This is one of those services that may seem vague. Usually the service is directly suggested by our team after a diag or used for password resets.

Service can include:

  • Basic hardware diagnostics
  • Viral/Malware scan
  • OS validation and repair
  • OS updates
  • Registry repair
  • Driver updates
  • Password reset (if requested)

What you get... mouse over for more info.

■ Basic hardware diag...

■ Virus/Malware scan...

■ OS validation and repair...

■ Registry check and repair...

■ OS critical and security updates installed...

■ Latest hardware drivers installed...

■ Password reset...(if requested)

@Our Place


Some services are limited depending on how they are being performed, Remotely vs @Your Place vs @Our Place. Shown pricing does not include parts that may be needed to complete service.

* This service can only be performed via the methods listed for obvious reasons or because DSI feels the service cannot be performed effectively by other means.