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DSI -> @home -> Services (Have us do it)

Screen Repair

We've all been there. Rushing to to do something, or holding our phones not with our hands, or we stretch the power cord to it's limits and the dog jumps on the bed. Gravity always wins. Argh! Portability at a price.

Broken, cracked, or even bleeding screens (yes that happens) can be frustrating. One of the first things people think is that a damaged display renders the device dead and the device will need to be completely replaced. Most often this is NOT the case. 

DSI does screen replacements on a wide assortment of devices, iPhones, Androids, tablets, Kindles, laptops, iPads, All-In-Ones, cell phones, and more.

In no time we can repair or replace LCD's, LED's, Digitizers, and Inverters.

Do not despair. Bring it in, let us have a look. We will be able to tell you if screen repair is possible and/or cost effective. Usually it is.

What you get... mouse over for more info.

■ Information regarding what the problem actually is...

■ Repair of device and installation of needed parts...

■ Verification of repair...

@Our Place


Some services are limited depending on how they are being performed, Remotely vs @Your Place vs @Our Place. Shown pricing does not include parts that may be needed to complete service.

* This service can only be performed via the methods listed for obvious reasons or because DSI feels the service cannot be performed effectively by other means.