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DSI -> @home -> Services (Have us do it)

Software Install and Setup

Software sometimes can be tricky to install properly, games and specialty software in particular. DSI can make software installation easier. Just let us do it for you.

We do software development so we are particularly adept at understanding how software functions. We know what dependencies are all about. We know why certain software requirements are listed. We understand the lifelong union between hardware and software.

DSI Software Install covers installation, configuration, and testing. A hassle free solution.

What you get... mouse over for more info.

■ Verification of software requirements & compatibility...

■ Software installation and configuration...

■ Updates installed for the software...

■ Verified functionality...

@Our Place


@Your Place




Some services are limited depending on how they are being performed, Remotely vs @Your Place vs @Our Place. Shown pricing does not include parts that may be needed to complete service.