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DSI -> @home -> Services (Have us do it)

System Optimize and Cleaning

Over time and use systems become sluggish and do not seem to perform as snappy as they once did. This is a common issue especially with a Windows based system. This happens for a number of different reasons. Usually it's a combination of several factors. Some of the most common causes are, an over abundance of cached files, heat related issues, defunct registry entries, file fragmentation, and unnecessary startup software.

Most of the time a slow system is not a reason to purchase a new system. DSI can bring your once vibrant technology back to its full potential. 

This service starts with a basic component diagnostics. We test the necessary hardware in your system to be sure that a failure is not causing the speed issues. If the hardware passes we then check for viral activity. It is not uncommon for infection to cause performance issues. The integrity of the operating system is then validated.

Once the core passes all checks, we update the software that plays an important role in the functionality of your gear. Starting with the operating system, critical and security updates are applied. We check for updated drivers for the components and install them where needed. We consider the security software and update that to the latest version and/or definitions.

The optimization part of the service is very in depth. We filter the system though all the typical bottleneck problems. All cache is cleared, temp files and logs are cleaned, the registry is optimized, restore points are cleared, startup services and applications are evaluated, and the file system gets fully defragmented.  

The service is finalized with a physical cleaning of the interior and exterior.

What you get... mouse over for more info.

■ Basic component diagnostics...

■ Updated security software...

■ Basic virus and malware scanning...

■ OS validation...

■ OS critical and security updates...

■ Updated drivers...

■ Optimization...

■ A non-fragmented file system...

■ A clean system inside and out...

@Our Place


@Your Place




Some services are limited depending on how they are being performed, Remotely vs @Your Place vs @Our Place. Shown pricing does not include parts that may be needed to complete service.