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DSI -> @home -> Services (Have us do it)

System Setup

So you decided to get a new system from DSI... Thank you for that, we really appreciate your business and your trust in us!

We appreciate it so much in fact, we offer this low-cost service to everyone that purchases a system through us, either brand new or refurbished.

The time it takes from purchase to enjoyment can be more than should be allowed and then there is the process of configuring and changing things to the way you like it or even the way you need it.

That's where we come in. At anytime within the first 14 days from the purchase date you want us to step in and help you, just let us know. 

We can help with first time setup and setting up the user accounts and permissions. We can show you how it all works and what some best practices are. And we can even help with everything in between.

We can install all the latest OS updates and install a better option for antivirus. We can remove all the adware, crapware, spyware and optimize the system. We can setup your email account. We can even change some personal settings for you, background, theme, power settings, etcetera. 

DSI really wants you to be very comfortable with your purchase and enjoy it to it's fullest potential. 

A commonly neglected suggestion with a new system is to create restore media. You know, for that day you feel will never come.  The day your system no longer works like it should. Yeah, we can create that for you. 

One of the most important benefits to this service is our commitment to your satisfaction. We believe if our customers are happy with our dedication and followup, our relationship will be strong and can only grow. 


What you get... mouse over for more info.

■ An element of our dedication...

■ First time setup...

■ User accounts and proper permissions setup...

■ Critical and security updates for the OS...

■ Nagware removal...

■ System optimization...

■ Personalization...

■ Antivirus and security that matters...

■ Verified connectivity...

■ Email client setup...

■ Restore media (if requested)...

■ Knowledge and power...

@Our Place


@Your Place




Some services are limited depending on how they are being performed, Remotely vs @Your Place vs @Our Place. Shown pricing does not include parts that may be needed to complete service.