BOOLEAN search allows operators to help refine results.
A simple search for "Kermit the frog" may result in an incomprehensible amount of matches. If we include some operators the results will change. Let's change the search to "Kermit -the -frog". This will omit matches that have the words "the" and the word "frog" thus greatly manipulating the results.
Another example would be use of the + operator. So the new search "+Kermit the frog" would yield only results that include the word "Kermit".
Operators can be combined to request logical results. A search for "-Kermit the +frog" would only return results that does NOT include the word "Kermit" and results that DO include the word "frog".
One thing to keep note of, searches are NOT case sensitive. A search for "KERMIT THE FROG" will yield the same results as "KeRmIt ThE fRoG". At least that is the case when searching the DSI website. I cannot speak for others, but I can say that case insensitive is a common truth among search engines.
There are several different operators that can be used to granulate your search results.
Here is a list of operates that work on our website.
Operator | Description |
+ | Include, word must be present. |
– | Exclude, word must not be present. |
> | Include, and increase ranking value. |
< | Include, and decrease ranking value. |
() | Group words into sub expressions (allowing them to be included, excluded, ranked, and so forth as a group). |
~ | Negate a word’s ranking value. |
* | Wildcard at end of word. |
“” | Defines a phrase (as opposed to a list of individual words, the entire phrase is matched for inclusion or exclusion). |