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Dell Powerconnect 6200 Series Console Connection

Finalized by: Steve T on September 10, 2015


Sometimes it is necessary to console connect to managed equipment for configuration or troubleshooting purposes. There is nothing better than a raw connection through a tried and true interface.

The PowerConnect 6200 series runs on either a proprietary Marvel OS or VxWorks for the Broadcom based switches.


You will need:

  1. A RS232 Null Modem (crossover) Serial cable or if you do not have a workstation with serial ports you can use a USB to Null Modem adapter.
  2. A terminal client such as PuTTY.

Set the terminal to 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1) @ 9600 bps. Turn Flow Control off and set emulation at VT100+.

Turn the switch on. You should be presented with the boot procedures as the operating system and settings are loaded.

Command reference can be found here.