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DSI -> University (Help you do it) -> Networking

Dsi Ad Blocking Dns Servers

Finalized by: Steve T on February 17, 2024

Are you tired of browsing the interweb and having the pages you view be inundated with ads? Not just ads, but ads with scripting that continues to track you days and weeks after you have left the page.

Unfortunately, the interweb quickly went from a promising gateway of countless bits of useful information and knowledge for the public sector to a corrupt sandbox of predators most of which we used to trust implicitly.

The majority of these ads are not placed by the owners of the websites you visit. At least not directly. These ads are primarily a third-party resource that need to be “pulled” when a page is loaded with the ad scripting. That’s not to suggest the owners of these websites are not aware of the ads, just that they don’t personally host and serve them.

Well, some good news. There are things that can be done to filter out some of the madness. We have set up two ad blocking DNS servers to prevent the majority of these ads from resolving and ultimately prevent displaying.

These servers are of course local, over fiber connection, and fast. Best of all we are providing them free of charge. The more we work together as a unit and tribe the harder it is for evil prevail.

Our servers turn something like this:


To something like this:


All you need to do is change the DNS settings for your connection to:




This can be done on the individual connection level or it can be configured in your router to affect all connections in your home or business or even an enterprise. Change the DNS settings on your desktop, laptop, tablet, phone, or any network device where DNS settings can be changed or set.

If you are not comfortable with changing these settings on your own, fear not. We can certainly help if you need assistance. Just Contact Us.

If you are using Windows, you can use this tool to easily change the settings without being a technical savant. Don’t worry, there is nothing to install. Just download and run.

Download DNS Tool:


Unzip and run the program.


Make sure the correct network connection is selected.


Select “DSI AD Block DNS” and click the green icon.


That’s all there is to it. Enjoy ad free browsing and minimize ads tracking you. There is nothing to purchase and as mentioned before there are no fees.